“Star Wars: The Acolyte” trailer introduces a mysterious new Sith Lord, marking the first Sith encounter for the Jedi in this era, during the High Republic’s golden age. This Sith’s appearance shocks the Jedi, who believed the Sith were nearly extinct, not realizing their quiet machinations in the shadows. Master Sol (Lee Jung-jae), facing this formidable foe, questions the Sith’s identity, highlighting the Jedi’s unpreparedness.
31 Replies to ““Star Wars: The Acolyte” trailer introduces a mysterious new Sith Lord, marking the first Sith encounter for the Jedi in this era, during the High Republic’s golden age. This Sith’s appearance shocks the Jedi, who believed the Sith were nearly extinct, not realizing their quiet machinations in the shadows. Master Sol (Lee Jung-jae), facing this formidable foe, questions the Sith’s identity, highlighting the Jedi’s unpreparedness.”
I don’t care, there hasn’t been a decent Star Wars film since Return of the Jedi, and certainly didn’t need any TV series to run it further into the ground.
Darth Teeth
Please let it be Trinity!
Yeah I wonder who she is.
Disney drivel
Over it.
I don’t know but she probably had a real good reason for doing what she did, thank you VERY much
Darth Gimp
Thats Mr. Slave from Pulp Fiction…
I don’t care, I am not watching another Starwars film
Idk but its probably a white dude.
I don’t care, there hasn’t been a decent Star Wars film since Return of the Jedi, and certainly didn’t need any TV series to run it further into the ground.
Some how, it’s palpatine
Doesnt matter who he is! What everyone wants to know is if he’s non-binary?
This needs to be Darth tenebrous.
Probs some powerful woman ain’t it always now
At this point the only thing star wars is the IP
Darth Woke
Darth Woke
Look like they reuse kylo’s broken helmet
A white male if i had to guess
The gimp from pulp fiction
It’s Hervey Weinsteins former personal assistant of four years!
Dodos have a better chance of resurrection than this dross
Does anyone care?
Another “if in doubt slap a mask on them” sith.
It’s Darth Fartcloud from Asohka. It’s his origin story.
It’s Darth Lizzo 😂😂😂
the right question is: what pronoun does it use?
That has to be a joke villain surely
“The Gimp”?!? 👀🤐
Darth Dentures