The production team of “Gen V,” a spinoff of “The Boys,” has decided not to recast Chance Perdomo’s character, Andre Anderson, following the actor’s tragic death in a motorcycle accident on April 1st. Perdomo’s portrayal of Andre, a character with magnetic manipulation powers and the son of Polarity, was pivotal in the show’s first season.
3 Replies to “The production team of “Gen V,” a spinoff of “The Boys,” has decided not to recast Chance Perdomo’s character, Andre Anderson, following the actor’s tragic death in a motorcycle accident on April 1st. Perdomo’s portrayal of Andre, a character with magnetic manipulation powers and the son of Polarity, was pivotal in the show’s first season.”
I didn’t know he died… He was great in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
IMHO it’s a mistake. They should recast. What’s that old saying? The show must go on.