George Lucas originally had a less appealing name for the iconic Lightsaber in “Star Wars.” Initially called a “Lazer Sword” in early drafts, this name was thankfully revised to the now classic and much-preferred “Lightsaber.”
19 Replies to “George Lucas originally had a less appealing name for the iconic Lightsaber in “Star Wars.” Initially called a “Lazer Sword” in early drafts, this name was thankfully revised to the now classic and much-preferred “Lightsaber.””
Not that people would have cared what it was called if they hadn’t have known any differently, but what on earth is lazer – light amplification through the zapping of electromagnetic radiation?
Isn’t “laser sword” mentioned in one of the films or spin offs, sure I remember it. Probably one of the six million Easter egg references they feel the need to include to satisfy elitist Star Wars fans 🤣
Rian Johnson Pokers? Midichlorians Blades? Jar-Jar Sticks?
lol Laser Sword, LASER SWORD I read the gawd awful article so you don’t have to.
Lucas’s was going to call Yoda “Binky”. So, I don’t worry about minor variations about what to call light sabres.
Then he sold it to Diznee
big laser swords perchance?
They still used the term multiple times in the movies, a few times non-Jedi characters refer to them as laser swords
Didn’t little Anakin call it that in Phantom Menace?
“Lazer sword” is the generic category name; “lightsaber” is the trademarkable version. They sell “lazer swords”‘ at Walmart.
Not that people would have cared what it was called if they hadn’t have known any differently, but what on earth is lazer – light amplification through the zapping of electromagnetic radiation?
Asimov used “energy blade” in 1944 before lasers were even invented.
“Jedi sticks”
Duh we heard in the original as interchangeable.
Isn’t “laser sword” mentioned in one of the films or spin offs, sure I remember it. Probably one of the six million Easter egg references they feel the need to include to satisfy elitist Star Wars fans 🤣
Lucas used to have people to talk him out of bad ideas
Before the dark times
Before the Prequels
That’s what they were called in Germany in the 70s and 80s in the movies: laserschwert. I grew up witht hat word so mot of my gen still use this
Lazer Sabre would have been better 🤩
In the french version, it’ laser sabre 😉
He called them laser swords in several behind the scenes