Jean-Claude Van Damme initially joined the “Predator” film as the titular character, thinking he would showcase his martial arts skills. However, he was actually hired to wear an alien suit for invisibility effects, leading to significant dissatisfaction. This misunderstanding, combined with a series of incidents including discomfort in the suit and on-set conflicts, ultimately resulted in his departure from the project.
6 Replies to “Jean-Claude Van Damme initially joined the “Predator” film as the titular character, thinking he would showcase his martial arts skills. However, he was actually hired to wear an alien suit for invisibility effects, leading to significant dissatisfaction. This misunderstanding, combined with a series of incidents including discomfort in the suit and on-set conflicts, ultimately resulted in his departure from the project.”
This is why eye witness testimony alone is inconclusive.
Half the stories are probably combining JCVD, a possible temporary replacement and his eventual replacement. Plus some partial truths that became mythologised. (ie., perhaps there was an incident with the head but he didn’t actually break it, perhaps there was issues of dehydration but not as remembered, etc)
What is factually clear is that the original suit was not fit for purpose and JCVD’s reluctance was justified and likely highlighted the need to replace the suit.
JCVD could have been a cool side kick to Arni though or a main character in one of the sequels, they may have missed a trick not having a martial arts version of the story.
Yes. That’s why they had the late-great Kevin Peter Hall to play Predator. It turned out for the best.
The original suit was ridiculous, Jean-Claude dodged a bullet there. 🙂
Lol I remember seeing a Picture of him with the mantis like suit with glasses on set lol
He was recast because he was too short and a pain to work with.
This is why eye witness testimony alone is inconclusive.
Half the stories are probably combining JCVD, a possible temporary replacement and his eventual replacement. Plus some partial truths that became mythologised. (ie., perhaps there was an incident with the head but he didn’t actually break it, perhaps there was issues of dehydration but not as remembered, etc)
What is factually clear is that the original suit was not fit for purpose and JCVD’s reluctance was justified and likely highlighted the need to replace the suit.
JCVD could have been a cool side kick to Arni though or a main character in one of the sequels, they may have missed a trick not having a martial arts version of the story.