HBO’s “Dunk and Egg: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms,” a new spinoff of “Game of Thrones,” will feature Peter Claffey and Dexter Sol Ansell. Set a century before “Game of Thrones,” the series follows the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall and his squire, Egg, who is secretly a Targaryen prince.
#GameOfThrones #DunkAndEgg #HBOSeries
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4 Replies to “HBO’s “Dunk and Egg: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms,” a new spinoff of “Game of Thrones,” will feature Peter Claffey and Dexter Sol Ansell. Set a century before “Game of Thrones,” the series follows the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall and his squire, Egg, who is secretly a Targaryen prince.”
1.95m, if someone else wanted to look that up 🙂
Might just do as Dunk, though “the Tall” would be above 2.10m.
But I can understand that the numbers of actors in that range might be limited 🙂
Ryan Thomas
Looks like the little lad who’s gonna uppercut santa for being on the naughty list 🤣
1.95m, if someone else wanted to look that up 🙂
Might just do as Dunk, though “the Tall” would be above 2.10m.
But I can understand that the numbers of actors in that range might be limited 🙂