Vin Diesel is set to reprise his role as the sci-fi antihero Richard B. Riddick in the upcoming fourth installment of the series, “Riddick: Furya.” This sequel marks a return to Riddick’s homeworld, exploring the origins of the character and the challenges he faces on a planet he scarcely remembers but fears is devastated.
#RiddickFurya #VinDiesel #SciFiMovies #NewMovies
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16 Replies to “Vin Diesel is set to reprise his role as the sci-fi antihero Richard B. Riddick in the upcoming fourth installment of the series, “Riddick: Furya.” This sequel marks a return to Riddick’s homeworld, exploring the origins of the character and the challenges he faces on a planet he scarcely remembers but fears is devastated.”
Pitch black was good. Number 2 meh. That third movie was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. It was really bad. But looking forward to a fourth after that…
This is the 5th movie fyi
Who’s playing Vin Diesel?
I’d rather watch Riddick then fast and furious movie any day
They need to make escape from butcher bay
The Riddick trilogy was excellent, I enjoyed it immensely. I hope the new movie lives up to the high standards set by the first three.
Can’t wait then!!
David Cortez
Finally i love the riddick series and im not even a sci fi fan
Pitch black was good. Number 2 meh. That third movie was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. It was really bad. But looking forward to a fourth after that…
Thought he had an amish beard in that picture at first glance!!
He refuses to get into shape how is this even a thing? Oh right AI
Blake Shields
this time it’s all about family