Vin Diesel is set to reprise his role as the sci-fi antihero Richard B. Riddick in the upcoming fourth installment of the series, “Riddick: Furya.” This sequel marks a return to Riddick’s homeworld, exploring the origins of the character and the challenges he faces on a planet he scarcely remembers but fears is devastated.

#RiddickFurya #VinDiesel #SciFiMovies #NewMovies

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16 Replies to “Vin Diesel is set to reprise his role as the sci-fi antihero Richard B. Riddick in the upcoming fourth installment of the series, “Riddick: Furya.” This sequel marks a return to Riddick’s homeworld, exploring the origins of the character and the challenges he faces on a planet he scarcely remembers but fears is devastated.”

  1. Pitch black was good. Number 2 meh. That third movie was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. It was really bad. But looking forward to a fourth after that…

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