In “Star Wars: A New Hope,” Obi-Wan Kenobi’s decision to let Darth Vader kill him during their duel was a pivotal moment with deep implications for the saga. This act allowed Obi-Wan to transcend physical form and become more influential as a Force ghost, guiding Luke Skywalker in critical moments. His sacrifice was not only a strategic move to aid the Rebellion but also a personal redemption for his perceived failures with Anakin Skywalker.
25 Replies to “In “Star Wars: A New Hope,” Obi-Wan Kenobi’s decision to let Darth Vader kill him during their duel was a pivotal moment with deep implications for the saga. This act allowed Obi-Wan to transcend physical form and become more influential as a Force ghost, guiding Luke Skywalker in critical moments. His sacrifice was not only a strategic move to aid the Rebellion but also a personal redemption for his perceived failures with Anakin Skywalker.”
Several reasons. Distraction. It gives him a chance to spare Kenobi which he doesn’t take. Kenobi also knows he can continue to help Luke even after dying.
Mainly about helping Luke than the Rebellion.
Honestly my opinion is that it’s just as likely that was done because Lucas wasn’t real sure more than one movie was going to happen in 1975 when it was filmed therefore he made some adjustments to make it a standalone film in case no more films happened
Same reason Gandalf took on the Balroc while the rest of the group escaped. His death would transition him to a more powerful existence, and this influenced Lucas’ story. From another franchise “This has happened before, and will happen again.”
I don’t think Vader actually “killed” him. I think he knew his time was near and became one with the force just as Vader swung his lightsaber. If you look closely, you see his robe has nothing in it when the saber hits.
He basically said why lol
We really need an article for this?
He needed to.
Several reasons. Distraction. It gives him a chance to spare Kenobi which he doesn’t take. Kenobi also knows he can continue to help Luke even after dying.
Mainly about helping Luke than the Rebellion.
Honestly my opinion is that it’s just as likely that was done because Lucas wasn’t real sure more than one movie was going to happen in 1975 when it was filmed therefore he made some adjustments to make it a standalone film in case no more films happened
Same reason Gandalf took on the Balroc while the rest of the group escaped. His death would transition him to a more powerful existence, and this influenced Lucas’ story. From another franchise “This has happened before, and will happen again.”
Almost none of those ideas existed when that scene was shot.
I know why Ben couldn’t do it, he still sees the little boy, who needed his help, l been there…
He was tired of answering Luke’s questions?
As opposed to in Star Gate where Obi wan Kenobi survives. 🤔
Because it was a very moving and cinematic moment –
I don’t think Vader actually “killed” him. I think he knew his time was near and became one with the force just as Vader swung his lightsaber. If you look closely, you see his robe has nothing in it when the saber hits.
It was better than going back to the desert.
To become one with the force
cause thats what the script said…
It was in the script?
OBIWAN: You can’t win, Darth. The moment you strike me down, I shall be more powerful than you could possibly imagined.
DARTH VADER: You should not have come back!
Later as Luke struggles to destroy the Death Star:-
DEAD OBIWAN VOICE: Luke, let go! Use the force!
DARTH VADER: The force is strong with this one.
GENERAL: Luke, you switch off your target computer! What’s wrong?
LUKE: I’m allright. I know what I’m doing.
And the rest ia history! 🤣
Cause little Ani kept on losing every time they dueled, to make him feel better Obi Wan finally let him win on purpose
To become one with the force which is more powerful
Try watching the film. It’s explained perfectly.
the real question is, what is so “powerful” about being a Force ghost that can’t do anything?
I always thought it was because of updog
Alec Guiness didn’t have much to do if he was kept alive
Yoda couldn’t take much more of Luke either & bailed the same way. I get it.