The beloved “Biker Mice from Mars” are back with a gritty twist in the new comic “Toxic Earth,” set in a post-apocalyptic future. This standalone entry in the NacelleVerse takes the trio—Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie—into a dark, alternate reality where Earth has been devastated by the villainous Lawrence Limburger. With humanity clinging to survival in the ruins of Chicago, the story centers around the resistance led by Charley Davidson and her daughter, India, who seeks to reunite the scattered heroes to revive their fight against Limburger.
One Reply to “The beloved “Biker Mice from Mars” are back with a gritty twist in the new comic “Toxic Earth,” set in a post-apocalyptic future. This standalone entry in the NacelleVerse takes the trio—Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie—into a dark, alternate reality where Earth has been devastated by the villainous Lawrence Limburger. With humanity clinging to survival in the ruins of Chicago, the story centers around the resistance led by Charley Davidson and her daughter, India, who seeks to reunite the scattered heroes to revive their fight against Limburger.”