“A Quiet Place: Day One” offers a gripping prequel to the franchise, showing New York City’s descent into silence due to an alien invasion. The trailer teases intense survival scenarios amid the chaos of a city cut off from escape, promising a potentially standout entry in the series with stars like Lupita Nyong’o and Joseph Quinn leading the charge.
5 Replies to ““A Quiet Place: Day One” offers a gripping prequel to the franchise, showing New York City’s descent into silence due to an alien invasion. The trailer teases intense survival scenarios amid the chaos of a city cut off from escape, promising a potentially standout entry in the series with stars like Lupita Nyong’o and Joseph Quinn leading the charge.”
Can’t wait to see this movie!
Laura Ruth Cupples we have to go see this x
Oh god, not watching it if the cat dies
It is in real life also🙄