The upcoming film “Twisters,” starring Glen Powell, promises an intense storm-chasing adventure, following a dramatic new trailer. Set as a legacy sequel to the original film, “Twisters” pits storm chasers against a historic tornado outbreak. Glen Powell plays Tyler Owens, a social media star known for his daring storm-chasing content.
4 Replies to “The upcoming film “Twisters,” starring Glen Powell, promises an intense storm-chasing adventure, following a dramatic new trailer. Set as a legacy sequel to the original film, “Twisters” pits storm chasers against a historic tornado outbreak. Glen Powell plays Tyler Owens, a social media star known for his daring storm-chasing content.”
The first one was bad enough, we don’t need another
I think we jumped the shark on tornadoes when we put actual sharks in them
Cant remake a classic!