Chris Pine’s directorial debut, “Poolman,” has received notably harsh criticism for its incoherence and lack of comedic punch. The film, which attempts to blend elements from “Chinatown” and “The Big Lebowski,” stars Pine himself as Darren Barrenman, a hopeful pool cleaner drawn into a murky city scandal. Despite a stellar cast and moments that hint at potential, the movie is criticized for its poorly executed humor, problematic soundtrack, and disjointed editing.
#Poolman #ChrisPine #MovieReview #Cinema
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2 Replies to “Chris Pine’s directorial debut, “Poolman,” has received notably harsh criticism for its incoherence and lack of comedic punch. The film, which attempts to blend elements from “Chinatown” and “The Big Lebowski,” stars Pine himself as Darren Barrenman, a hopeful pool cleaner drawn into a murky city scandal. Despite a stellar cast and moments that hint at potential, the movie is criticized for its poorly executed humor, problematic soundtrack, and disjointed editing.”
Well, he’s a great Captain Kirk!
Not everyone can direct. At least he gave it a shot.