Dave Callaham has been selected to write the sequel to “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire,” with Adam Wingard likely to return as director. This sequel, marking the fifth installment of Warner Bros.’ Monsterverse franchise, will see Godzilla and Kong team up against a new threat. Callaham’s experience with big blockbuster scripts, including “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings,” positions him well to tackle this next chapter in the Monsterverse.
12 Replies to “Dave Callaham has been selected to write the sequel to “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire,” with Adam Wingard likely to return as director. This sequel, marking the fifth installment of Warner Bros.’ Monsterverse franchise, will see Godzilla and Kong team up against a new threat. Callaham’s experience with big blockbuster scripts, including “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings,” positions him well to tackle this next chapter in the Monsterverse.”
I don’t even have a guess or prediction on this, probably will make a billion in this crazy climate. I am just hoping for a Jett Jaguar, robot or Mech, I don’t care which; and absolutely no pot belly baby Godzilla. Please no more baby monsters!
Eeeeeeeee… I dunno about this you guys…
MCU writer like that is a good thing these days!?
Either Godzilla or Kong will come out with their pronoun crap and preaching equity to us all…. no thanks….
Well, not the worst of the new MCU … but I would hardly call that a grab either.
MCU writer? no thanks
He Even wrote 2014 Godzilla
He also wrote Godzilla 2014
Oh god no mcu writer. Please nooooo
I don’t even have a guess or prediction on this, probably will make a billion in this crazy climate. I am just hoping for a Jett Jaguar, robot or Mech, I don’t care which; and absolutely no pot belly baby Godzilla. Please no more baby monsters!
Big mistake, that movie was good. Shang Chi was mediocre at best
They should say into the spiderverse writer because with how the MCU has been as of late isn’t good