“28 Years Later,” the long-anticipated third installment in the “28 Days Later” franchise, is set to premiere on June 20, 2025. Directed by Danny Boyle, who returns along with script co-writer Alex Garland, the film promises to deepen the harrowing zombie saga. Filming begins in May 2024 in Northumberland, aiming to celebrate the franchise’s 22-year anniversary. The film faces stiff competition at its release but hopes to set the stage for a new trilogy, with Jodie Comer, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ralph Fiennes, and Jack O’Connell leading the cast.
3 Replies to ““28 Years Later,” the long-anticipated third installment in the “28 Days Later” franchise, is set to premiere on June 20, 2025. Directed by Danny Boyle, who returns along with script co-writer Alex Garland, the film promises to deepen the harrowing zombie saga. Filming begins in May 2024 in Northumberland, aiming to celebrate the franchise’s 22-year anniversary. The film faces stiff competition at its release but hopes to set the stage for a new trilogy, with Jodie Comer, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ralph Fiennes, and Jack O’Connell leading the cast.”
What happened with 28 Months Later?
Crystal Lebsock!!!!