“The Acolyte,” an upcoming Star Wars series on Disney+, will feature new Jedi ships, including the Polan-717 Jedi Transport. This ship, distinctive for its ability to separate into two segments, mirrors the hyperspace transport rings seen in the prequel trilogy. Set in the High Republic Era, the series is described as a mystery-thriller, following a Jedi Master and his former Padawan as they investigate dark-side-centric crimes. The inclusion of unique ships like the Polan-717 and Jedi Vectors, which are central to The High Republic novels, promises to bring fresh visual elements and plot dynamics to the Star Wars universe.
40 Replies to ““The Acolyte,” an upcoming Star Wars series on Disney+, will feature new Jedi ships, including the Polan-717 Jedi Transport. This ship, distinctive for its ability to separate into two segments, mirrors the hyperspace transport rings seen in the prequel trilogy. Set in the High Republic Era, the series is described as a mystery-thriller, following a Jedi Master and his former Padawan as they investigate dark-side-centric crimes. The inclusion of unique ships like the Polan-717 and Jedi Vectors, which are central to The High Republic novels, promises to bring fresh visual elements and plot dynamics to the Star Wars universe.”
I think Disney has “jumped the shark” with Star Wars
Bob Igor said Disney is mining the IP. That’s not good it’s never good. People that like these shows are mentality I’ll or seriously deluded. It’s such a shame they wrote off all the extended universe. There was so much gold they could have used
When will we get ‘The grey’ embracing both sides of the force, with no allegiance to either. I’m begging 🥺 the diversity of tales and storylines is unlimited. I live in hope!
I have usually jumped in head first for Star Wars content but I think I will wait this time. They keep coming out with a brand new series and then abandon it.
… A ship that can separate? Sounds like a Star Trek feature of star ships and not a Star wars feature. This just admits they are intellectually bankrupt since they are stealing ideas from star trek. Even more so because I SWORE Disney star wars said the novels weren’t canon anymore and.. suddenly to bullwork their floundering ip they are using an idea from one of the novels? One which I admit I never read so not aware of the ship designation nor if the being able to separate into two parts was a feature then (but still a stolen idea from star trek) or new feature they added.
Curious why everyone is assuming this show is “woke?” There has been nothing in the trailers or description to indicate anything of the sort.
I swear SW “fans” have just become internet trolls because it’s the cool thing to do now. Hate on Disney, hate on SW because politics say so. FFS. 🤦♂️
I think Disney has “jumped the shark” with Star Wars
the power of the schwartz.
My God this woke lgbwhatever pile of shitpuke is gonna bomb soooooo bad. Loving it
how about they call it the crimson jedi then she could be in…………………..a little red jedi hood.
Pilot what? A klingon praybird?
Bob Igor said Disney is mining the IP. That’s not good it’s never good. People that like these shows are mentality I’ll or seriously deluded. It’s such a shame they wrote off all the extended universe. There was so much gold they could have used
i saw the term Force-fu … is this a Teras Kasi offshoot with force aspects?
Can we just get a Bastilla orgin story 😁
Well technically old but ya lol
Great, new toys that’ll gather dust in the bargain bin
When will we get ‘The grey’ embracing both sides of the force, with no allegiance to either. I’m begging 🥺 the diversity of tales and storylines is unlimited. I live in hope!
The only white woman in the entire trailer
It’s set during Cheech and Chong’s High Republic. The show will feature brand-OLD ships. 😝
Just wish they would finish a series before starting new ones
Anyone fiddling while the ship burns..?
Just in time for Christmas. 🎁
I have usually jumped in head first for Star Wars content but I think I will wait this time. They keep coming out with a brand new series and then abandon it.
I…really don’t care.
Once upon a time, I did. I would have probably cared a lot.
But not anymore.
Waiting impatiently
This didn’t get canned?
Why so they can identify as Star Wars ships?
… A ship that can separate? Sounds like a Star Trek feature of star ships and not a Star wars feature. This just admits they are intellectually bankrupt since they are stealing ideas from star trek. Even more so because I SWORE Disney star wars said the novels weren’t canon anymore and.. suddenly to bullwork their floundering ip they are using an idea from one of the novels? One which I admit I never read so not aware of the ship designation nor if the being able to separate into two parts was a feature then (but still a stolen idea from star trek) or new feature they added.
More toys for the discount bins next to the Holdo figures
We don’t need to see “The Acolyte.” This isn’t the show we’re looking for. She can go about her business. Move along.
New ships, New Darth gimp suits…all kinds of new D.E.I. 🦄🌈💩
It would betray the very core of Star Wars if they passed up an opportunity for new merch.
Hope the show the vectors
You’re telling me that the ships they flew hundreds of years before were different? I’m so stunned.
Its only getting 1 season 😆
I don’t give a Sith…
The new ships will be electric snd environmentally responsible
I heard that one jedi colored they/thems hair green and uses the force to cancel any sith who uses the wrong pronouns.
Taking bets on which bombs worse, this or that Rey movie(KK’s bitter middle finger to the fans) that literally nobody asked for or wanted.
Oh wow, oh boy! Hurray hurray! Exactly what is needed to save a dead franchise! New ships to sell a dozen toys of! Yay! 🤡
The Matrix 5?
They will be pink and shaped like the Playstation 5
Curious why everyone is assuming this show is “woke?” There has been nothing in the trailers or description to indicate anything of the sort.
I swear SW “fans” have just become internet trolls because it’s the cool thing to do now. Hate on Disney, hate on SW because politics say so. FFS. 🤦♂️
Can’t wait!
The Nebekenezer?
Ahhh yes the LGBT – wing
Very progressive!