“Virtuosity,” a 1995 action-thriller, starred Denzel Washington as Parker Barnes, who must stop a virtual reality entity turned killer, played by Russell Crowe. The film, often compared to “The Terminator” due to its themes of advanced AI and regeneration abilities, marked a shift for Washington towards more action-oriented roles. Additionally, “Virtuosity” is notable for being the big-screen debut of Kaley Cuoco, who played Karin, the daughter of Kelly Lynch’s character.
19 Replies to ““Virtuosity,” a 1995 action-thriller, starred Denzel Washington as Parker Barnes, who must stop a virtual reality entity turned killer, played by Russell Crowe. The film, often compared to “The Terminator” due to its themes of advanced AI and regeneration abilities, marked a shift for Washington towards more action-oriented roles. Additionally, “Virtuosity” is notable for being the big-screen debut of Kaley Cuoco, who played Karin, the daughter of Kelly Lynch’s character.”
No way was this anything close to terminator this one was in its own a great sci-fi movie there was a craze of movies about serial killers that came out at this time
Calling this a “rip-off of terminator” is a pretty gross over-simplification. There’s one commonality in the two movies: An advanced AI is essentially the villain. All the details are different. Probably the most significant difference is that Barnes faces off against the AI and Connor only wins against a lackey.
I like this movie. For some reason the scene with Sid striding along in his newly acquired blue suit to the strains of The BeeGees Staying Alive has imprinted on my brain. 🤔😂
That wasn’t a Terminator rip off just another movie experimenting with VR. And I loved it. Needs a reboot since VR is much better than it was in the 90’s.
No way was this anything close to terminator this one was in its own a great sci-fi movie there was a craze of movies about serial killers that came out at this time
I saw it as an early reason to distrust AI. Especially, when it’s been filled with mass murderers.
I liked the movie I thought it was good
Calling this a “rip-off of terminator” is a pretty gross over-simplification. There’s one commonality in the two movies: An advanced AI is essentially the villain. All the details are different. Probably the most significant difference is that Barnes faces off against the AI and Connor only wins against a lackey.
You better put some respect on Virtuosity’s name
It ain’t no terminator rip
I think that was the first thing I saw Russell Crowe in.
Is this a prequel to the equalizer?!? lol
Just kidding, I liked this movie.
The story line is not even similar lol
No, they are nothing alike. Big fan of both myself and that is not accurate.
It was also one of Russel Crowe’s early movies. It was nothing like Terminator.
Terminator Rip off ? Lmao wtf, not once did I ever think of terminator while watching this movie
Rip-off of Terminator?
I like this movie. For some reason the scene with Sid striding along in his newly acquired blue suit to the strains of The BeeGees Staying Alive has imprinted on my brain. 🤔😂
It was more of a lawnmower man clone, but hey.
It’s not a Terminator rip off. What?
That wasn’t a Terminator rip off just another movie experimenting with VR. And I loved it. Needs a reboot since VR is much better than it was in the 90’s.
Virtuosity was hardly a Terminator Ripoff
It’s a cyberpunk classic