Alex Garland’s new film “Civil War” features an intriguing blend of “Devs” cast members, creating a reunion that enhances the film’s depth and complexity. Garland continues to explore challenging themes and narratives, pushing boundaries in his unique cinematic style.

#AlexGarland #CivilWarFilm #DevsCast #Cinema #FilmMaking

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8 Replies to “Alex Garland’s new film “Civil War” features an intriguing blend of “Devs” cast members, creating a reunion that enhances the film’s depth and complexity. Garland continues to explore challenging themes and narratives, pushing boundaries in his unique cinematic style.”

  1. Yeah when I first watched the Civil War trailer, I immediately thought about Devs because of some of the cast. It didn’t even hit me until later that it was from the same director lol

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