“Ironheart,” the highly anticipated Marvel series, is now set to release in 2025. This update pushes back the original timeline, suggesting a more extensive preparation and development phase to fully realize this new addition to the MCU.
21 Replies to ““Ironheart,” the highly anticipated Marvel series, is now set to release in 2025. This update pushes back the original timeline, suggesting a more extensive preparation and development phase to fully realize this new addition to the MCU.”
Highly anticipated? Why do these words keep getting associated with anything Disney marvel? From the now released box office and streaming figures. No one, has anticipated or cared about the brand for several years.
Failed comic series and character get an even bigger failure series……joy
I’m bursting with excitement.😂
I am anticipating this like I anticipate a heart attack.. total dread.
🤣 🤣 🤣 “highly anticipated”…. 9_9
Highly anticipated by who exactly?
I could’ve sworn I’ve seen this costume before in a Japanese arcade game. As nothing to do with Iron Man.
Hahahaha why?
Ya but why
What is that???
Ironwho? Highly anticipated? 😴
The most annoying marvel character.
That’s one that just about anybody would have said no to had they been at the helm. Power Rangers kind of stuff.
Why do our movies keep failing??????
This looks like an early 90s kids mecha cartoon
Highly anticipated……..just like a root canal.
i’d rather have delays resulting in a better film
Highly anticipated? Why do these words keep getting associated with anything Disney marvel? From the now released box office and streaming figures. No one, has anticipated or cared about the brand for several years.
She reminds me of SPitfire from the New Universe. Ho hum, making powered armor between classes.
So sad.
Looking forward to it.