“Pitch Black,” Vin Diesel’s breakthrough sci-fi film, is now available on Peacock. This movie, which introduced the iconic character Riddick, is celebrated for its intense action and innovative use of darkness and light in storytelling, solidifying Diesel’s status in the sci-fi genre.
13 Replies to ““Pitch Black,” Vin Diesel’s breakthrough sci-fi film, is now available on Peacock. This movie, which introduced the iconic character Riddick, is celebrated for its intense action and innovative use of darkness and light in storytelling, solidifying Diesel’s status in the sci-fi genre.”
This film is still the best in the series. That opening crash scene is absolutely stunning, and the tension among the characters drives this over the top.
What success in the Sci-Fi genre?? I mean, if you count his voice contributions to animated characters, okay. But this is the only sci-fi movie I can think of off the top of my head he had any real success in, where he played the main character and wasn’t just a voice. Almost everything else in that genre were flops.
The second movie was IMO the best in the series
Good movie
Let me answer your question. Because in that movie. There is no “family” involved. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
So he’s just going to keep milking his 2 successful characters instead of building new ones OK then!
Love this movie!
This film is still the best in the series. That opening crash scene is absolutely stunning, and the tension among the characters drives this over the top.
What success in the Sci-Fi genre?? I mean, if you count his voice contributions to animated characters, okay. But this is the only sci-fi movie I can think of off the top of my head he had any real success in, where he played the main character and wasn’t just a voice. Almost everything else in that genre were flops.
Saw once, it was enough 🤮my opinion haters keep scrolling.
PB is Vin’s best movie
Love that movie.
Pitch Black has not aged well … Chronicles of Riddick was a FAR better movie.
Love the trilogy but Pitch Black is my favourite