“Rings of Power” delves into the history of Adar, an enigmatic orc character, exploring his unique position in Tolkien’s universe. This detailed examination enriches the lore of “Lord of the Rings,” providing fans with a deeper understanding of orc society and their role in Middle-earth.
4 Replies to ““Rings of Power” delves into the history of Adar, an enigmatic orc character, exploring his unique position in Tolkien’s universe. This detailed examination enriches the lore of “Lord of the Rings,” providing fans with a deeper understanding of orc society and their role in Middle-earth.”
Well…. Did you read The Silmarillion?
Is he in it? If not, it does not matter…. as its clearly is not canon or part of the real story.
And the show runners admitted as much. So…. Who cares….
… And failure of the rating show that no one cares.
Well…. Did you read The Silmarillion?
Is he in it? If not, it does not matter…. as its clearly is not canon or part of the real story.
And the show runners admitted as much. So…. Who cares….
… And failure of the rating show that no one cares.
The article is so overloaded with ad banners and videos it’s impossible to read, even if I wanted to
Clearly Antonio Banderas