Jean Grey is set to reclaim her original codename, Marvel Girl, in the upcoming “X-Factor” series, as reported by CBR. This change marks a return to her roots and is expected to honor her long-standing legacy within the X-Men universe, providing a nostalgic touch for long-time fans.

#XMen #XFactor #JeanGrey #MarvelGirl #MarvelComics #CBR

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5 Replies to “Jean Grey is set to reclaim her original codename, Marvel Girl, in the upcoming “X-Factor” series, as reported by CBR. This change marks a return to her roots and is expected to honor her long-standing legacy within the X-Men universe, providing a nostalgic touch for long-time fans.”

  1. I stopped reading X-Men in the mid 90’s after comic books became too expensive for me to collect/buy. Thought she was long gone after turning into Dark Phoenix (even heard that Cyclops turned bad and died??) so no idea what’s going on (multiverse??)..😝

  2. She was still using it after her resurrection as a member of the original X-Factor. They kinda just stopped using it after the Fall of the Mutants storyline, and she pretty much just used her own name exclusively starting in the 90s.

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