Discover the forgotten classic dinosaur horror film that predated “Jurassic Park.” This hidden gem paved the way for the genre and deserves more recognition for its groundbreaking effects and thrilling story.
9 Replies to “Discover the forgotten classic dinosaur horror film that predated “Jurassic Park.” This hidden gem paved the way for the genre and deserves more recognition for its groundbreaking effects and thrilling story.”
First off, “The Sound Of Thunder” was never a “dinosaur movie”. It was Time Travel movie that demonstrated how easily a paradox can occur. The movie should be burned as it is total crap. Anyone that has read Bradbury’s short story would agree.
I really liked this movie. It was pretty far from the original story, but I liked the additions. It’s not a great movie by any means, but it’s really fun.
First off, “The Sound Of Thunder” was never a “dinosaur movie”. It was Time Travel movie that demonstrated how easily a paradox can occur. The movie should be burned as it is total crap. Anyone that has read Bradbury’s short story would agree.
I really liked this movie. It was pretty far from the original story, but I liked the additions. It’s not a great movie by any means, but it’s really fun.
It’s a good time travel movie as long as you haven’t read the story .
The radio version of ‘sound of thunder’ had a slightly different take in the ending, worth the listening to, I think.
What about Valley of the Gwangi
If sound of thunder came out in 2005 how did it “pioneer” dinosaur anything?
It’s got no influence on Jurassic Park whatsoever. Its more likely the idea came from Judge Dredds Satanus in the cursed earth storyline from 1978.
Isn’t that the story that coined the phrase “Butterfly Effect”?