“Agatha: Coven of Chaos” is gearing up to be a significant addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with details about the plot, cast, and connections to larger MCU storylines beginning to emerge. This series promises to delve deeper into the mystic and darker aspects of the Marvel universe, centering on the intriguing character of Agatha Harkness.
9 Replies to ““Agatha: Coven of Chaos” is gearing up to be a significant addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with details about the plot, cast, and connections to larger MCU storylines beginning to emerge. This series promises to delve deeper into the mystic and darker aspects of the Marvel universe, centering on the intriguing character of Agatha Harkness.”
How about a Jessica Jones series? Or Coleen Wing? Or heaven forbid a male led series like Luke Cage and Iron Fist: Heroes for Hire? The phrase strike when the iron is hot comes to mind when thinking about Agatha. Wandavision and Marvel faith are long gone.
Is anyone excited about this?
How about a Jessica Jones series? Or Coleen Wing? Or heaven forbid a male led series like Luke Cage and Iron Fist: Heroes for Hire? The phrase strike when the iron is hot comes to mind when thinking about Agatha. Wandavision and Marvel faith are long gone.
This is probably going to be as good as Echo which I also did not watch.
I can’t wait! WandaVision was great! Not a strong ending (like most Marvel films), but a fun series despite it.
Nobody asked for this series. Another bomb for Disney/Marvel
If Disney is doing it, I’m not watching.
**** Disney