“Star Trek: Discovery” has introduced a character, Jett Reno, who channels the charming rogue elements reminiscent of Han Solo from “Star Wars.” This article on CBR explores how Reno’s personality and style add a fresh dynamic to the series, bringing a unique blend of wit and grit to the Starfleet team.
26 Replies to ““Star Trek: Discovery” has introduced a character, Jett Reno, who channels the charming rogue elements reminiscent of Han Solo from “Star Wars.” This article on CBR explores how Reno’s personality and style add a fresh dynamic to the series, bringing a unique blend of wit and grit to the Starfleet team.”
I too worked odd jobs for decades before becoming an astrophysicist and aerospace engineer capable of working on the most advanced technology in existence.
Love the character! One of the few characters on the show who’s not always talking about their feelings with a quivering bottom lip and big tear-filled eyes. A welcome relief and the banter with Stamets is wonderful.
She is awesome
Thank you, I needed a laugh today. 😂
Looks like a wet poodle!
That makes so much sense now
I too worked odd jobs for decades before becoming an astrophysicist and aerospace engineer capable of working on the most advanced technology in existence.
my fave character on the show
She is no Han Solo. I just can’t think of a show with so many unlikable characters
Dude looks like a lady
I like her character…
I can see the Han Solo Inspiration!!!!!
Reno is one of the best characters on the show!
Zero chemistry on the show. Didn’t make it to ep 3, kept falling asleep. It’s like the whole cast took acting lessons from Dakota Fanning.
Discovery has never been star trek.
I wondered what that was?
The only piece of small grit in an otherwise anodyne oyster of a show .
Roddy McDowall looks a bit rough these days
Inspired by a typical military female with a certain preference.
Met countless examples in real life.
Better than Paul stamets for sure
Janet Reno is doing Star Wars now?
Bless it’s heart……
Love the character! One of the few characters on the show who’s not always talking about their feelings with a quivering bottom lip and big tear-filled eyes. A welcome relief and the banter with Stamets is wonderful.
Could be true or not. Tig/Jet had barely been on the show. S5 has seen her almost disappear entirely which is sad.
Love this character!
I thought she was doing Lone Starr from Spaceballs.
Terrible actor. Terrible character. Terrible show.